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Nuestros Programas

Casa de Niños

El plan de estudios de primaria Montessori para niños de tres a seis años les brinda la oportunidad de desarrollar su autoconfianza, enfoque e identidad propia a través de la vida práctica, el trabajo académico y la experiencia social y emocional.

Día completo



Building their vocabulary and strengthening pronunciation begins with games and songs. Learning letters starts with their sounds and tracing textured letters, giving them a concrete way to remember the letter’s shape. By learning the sounds of each letter, instead of its name, the later transition to reading is made easier and more enjoyable for the children.


Children are ever curious about the world. They revel in the opportunity to explore not only how they can perform tasks on their own but also in ways we may take for granted. From being able to judge weight by feel, differences in width and height, shades of colors, to identifying different smells and their descriptions we provide ways for the child to explore these differences in a safe and structured manner.


Starting with a similar method when introducing letters, the children are given chances to trace numbers and gather items to show what each means. With specialized material the children learn to count, including the importance of teens, well into the thousands. By their second year in primary, they are playing math related games and performing basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


One of the most heard songs in the classroom is a song naming the continents. They feel accomplished in this knowledge of the world. They feel pride in their ability to make maps to take home and completing puzzles of the different continents. They curiously explore pictures and books about famous historical places.



El plan de estudios de primaria utiliza "Las grandes historias" como trampolín para el aprendizaje interdisciplinario. Se presentan cinco grandes lecciones: La llegada del universo, La línea de tiempo de la vida, La línea de tiempo de los humanos, La historia de las matemáticas y La historia del lenguaje. . De esta manera, los niños aprenden sobre su lugar en el universo.


Cada una de estas lecciones inicia la curiosidad o los intereses relacionados con otras áreas académicas. Estas historias despiertan la imaginación de los estudiantes de primaria y les brindan un contexto para un compromiso y un aprendizaje más profundos. 


En lugar de abordar el trabajo escolar como materias discretas, los estudiantes de la escuela primaria Montessori descubren la interrelación entre las materias y entienden cómo las matemáticas, el lenguaje, la ciencia y la historia están conectadas y son importantes para la comprensión y el aprendizaje. 


Our language curriculum begins with “The Great Story of our Alphabet” that is used as an intriguing introduction and exploration of language through time and cultures. Written language occurs naturally through curiosity and is developed through sentence analysis, the writing process, research projects, fictional narratives and more. Spoken language is practiced through oral presentations to the primary children, creative expression of script writing and poetry readings. Grammar lessons are thoroughly enjoyed with a variety of symbols for all parts of speech along

 with spelling and punctuation. The love of reading and writing is a key

component in the elementary environment fostered through individuality and engagement. Maria Montessori called this “explosion into reading and



The study of mathematics is first connected to the history of how human beings as people have always wanted to know about numbers and how they are linked to all parts of our lives. Through our math lessons, we are able to illuminate the discovery of patterns and relationships between various aspects of our world. If you understand the mathematics of a topic of interest, the door opens to knowing the why and how of it works. We start with engaging materials to offer a visual representation and hands on experience to the foundations of math. Through practice and discovery, the children move towards abstraction with exposure to all of the operations, geometry and algebra meeting each child where they are at—so they may be confident and successful.

Geography, History and Science

The power of storytelling is used to build a foundation of curiosity and connection to the world we live in through five great stories. These are told with great joy through impressionistic charts and experiments to encourage discussion and research opportunities
encompassing all areas of our curriculum:

-The Story of the Universe
-Coming of Life
-The Story of Humans
-The Story of Communication
-The Story of Numbers


Self-expression is an integral piece of a child’s learning and we encourage children to integrate art through their individual projects as a way to enrich and expand on their academic endeavors. Group projects are completed throughout various opportunities in the community such as the San Benito County, San Benito Recology and our school-wide musicals that are student-led twice a year presented to families with a great sense of pride and creatively driven hard work.

Social Thinking

We implement the use of emotional-regulation tools through self-awareness and empathy towards others through daily practice. There is an integration of social thinking lessons to help our students navigate socially in and outside of school. As a class, we collaboratively create “Caring Community Guidelines” that are the expectations on how to connect and appropriately be present in the Little Tree Community. Children learn tools such as, “Thought bubble versus Speech Bubble”, creating compassionate boundaries with peers using “I” statements, speaking our truth kindly and clearly as well as navigating peace meetings with a solution based to solution-based.


Children in the Elementary classroom are given ajournal. This journal is used daily to write the date and keep track of all they have done on that day. The children are able to practice their writing and their ability to use a clock while giving them the opportunity to learn about time management skills. It is a tool with which the students can comfortably learn about accountability, and reflect on the multitude of lessons they are capable of.


With recipes from around the world, the children are able to experience holidays from other countries with some traditional foods.
Learning the basics of cooking/baking (adjusting a recipe, problem solving, budgeting and planning) the children perform each aspect from planning which recipe, making lists, going to the grocery store and making the items
for themselves and the Primary class. This is all done with diligent guidance, allowing them to build these skills in a safe and carefully regulated manner.

El niño que ha sentido un fuerte amor por su entorno y por todas las criaturas vivientes, que ha descubierto la alegría y el entusiasmo en el trabajo, nos da motivos para esperar que la humanidad pueda desarrollarse en una nueva dirección.


- Dra. María Montessori

Little Tree Community- A Wildflower Montessori School

Hollister, CA 95023

(831) 801-8698

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<<NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA>> es una organización sin fines de lucro y no discrimina por raza, color, origen nacional o étnico, credo, religión, sexo, discapacidad, edad, estado civil, orientación sexual o estado con respecto a la asistencia pública. Además, <<NOMBRE DE LA ESCUELA>> admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades generalmente otorgados o puestos a disposición de los estudiantes en la escuela. No discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión, programas de becas y préstamos, atletismo y otros programas administrados por la escuela.

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